Martinsburg Mennonite Church
Brought together by our love for Jesus Christ, and our commitment to follow him; bound together by our love for God, and for others.
Mark 12:30-31
History of Martinsburg Mennonite Church
History of Martinsburg Mennonite Church
MMC was founded in 1790 by settlers from Eastern Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Drawing from a wide geographical area and reflecting a predominantly rural orientation, we represent a diversity of socio-economic status. We are blessed with a variety of age groups and are committed to providing for the spiritual and fellowship needs of all ages. Through the faithfulness and commitment of our members, our church has maintained an active witness for Christ in our small town of just under 2,000 people. Traditional worship, biblically based teaching, and congregational care are some of our greatest strengths.
MMC is a traditional congregation with a commitment to maintaining a strong Anabaptist identity. We celebrate the Mennonite distinctives of community, peace and justice-making and following Christ in all of life. We see ourselves as a friendly church, welcoming seekers and fellow believers alike. We make an effort to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in our fellowship and in our surrounding community.
Martinsburg Mennonite Church is a member of Lancaster Mennonite Conference (LMC).