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Living out our beliefs

To follow Jesus Christ more faithfully we are called to enrich our prayer, worship, and study of the scriptures and offer all that we have to God. As a congregation we commit ourselves to constant, intentional development of our corporate prayer and worship life. In the same way we will seriously study scripture and seek it to apply it to our lives. In this we strive to be inclusive of all age groups in the church. The congregation offers itself, including financial, personnel, and physical resources, to the mission of today's church in faithfulness to Jesus Christ and especially to the realization of the goals that grow out of this vision.

To grow as communities of grace, joy and peace we want to call and nurture congregational leaders for ministries in a changing environment and practice love, forgiveness and hospitality that affirms our diversity and heals our brokenness. The congregation commits itself to careful discernment of the gifts of members, and the creative use of them in the life of the church. As part of this focus we desire to provide training for those called to leadership in the church. As a local church community we are committed to practicing mutual aid, and as a part of the larger faith community we are committed to participation in the life of the Mennonite Church.

To live as people of healing and hope we are committed to inviting others to faith in Jesus Christ and to seeking God's peace in our homes, work, neighborhoods and the world. As an active community of faith we desire to maintain focus on both local and world missions and to constantly challenge members to actively participate in service at both levels. We are also committed to continually seek better understanding of what conversion to faith means to us in our environment and to constantly search for better ways of communicating that understanding to the world.

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